Living Theologically

theology and the Christian life

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Lessons on Christian Liberty and Jerry Falwell Jr

What can Christians learn from the downfall of Jerry Falwell Jr, and how should we respond? Is this an example of persecution, or legitimate accountability for leadership gone wrong?

Evaluating the “Word According to GenZ” Controversy

What can youth workers and other thoughtful Christians learn from the controversy surrounding The Word According to GenZ? Why was it cancelled, and was that a good decision?

Why “Thanos to Theos”

The vision for Thanos to Theos is to talk look into the world of comic books (hence, Thanos) through the lens of the gospel to better understand our own world (that’s the Theos… Greek for “God”). There are enough podcasts about theology and culture and youth ministry, so we’re bringing them together through our own shared love for comics.

Four Ways to Read Your Bible

“Read your Bible.” It’s common advice to hear in church. Let’s pretend that you’re a new Christian hearing this advice, so on Monday morning you wake up half an hour early to do it. As you sit at the kitchen counter and set your english muffin and coffee down, you grab your Bible to wonder… “Ok, what now?”

When Your Professed & Actual Theology Aren’t the Same

We want to live with our faith in Christ integrated into every sphere of life. The reality is, we don’t. At least, not perfectly. Sometimes there’s a wide chasm between the two because we’ve relegated faith to only “spiritual” things, and other times there’s a gap because we aren’t fully sanctified. In this post, I want to reflect on these two reasons why there’s a difference between our professed and actual theology. 

Living My Theology

One of the quickest ways to realize the differences between our professed and actual theology is to evaluate how we endure suffering. When moments of clarity strike that reveal the differences, don’t overlook them because it’s uncomfortable. Lean in, and grapple with the question, “What do I really believe?” And then live your theology.

What Calvinism Isn’t

Calvinism is a dirty word in many circles. This article addresses some stereotypes of Calvinists and focuses on what Calvinism isn’t while next week’s article will highlight what Calvinism is.

Was Jesus Born in a Barn, Cave, or House?

The question “Where was Jesus born?” is surprisingly tricky. The easy answer is, “In Bethlehem.” Yes, but where? The typical nativity scene features the holy family in a stable that looks like a barn, separate from the Inn, where there was no room. But is this accurate? Most historians and scholars say, “Not so much.”

Recovering our Fear

The following quote comes from Bonhoeffer’s sermon on the first Sunday of Advent in 1935 as Hitler’s power in Germany was increasing. Keep Bonhoeffer’s context in mind as you read this excerpt from this Advent sermon based out of Revelation 14:6-13.

Should Christians Celebrate Hanukkah?

How should Christians think about Hanukkah? This is a short overview of what Hanukkah is and how Christians can think about and interact with Hanukkah. 

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